Welcome to San Francisco Bay Area Intactivists. Our goal is to protect ALL children, male, female and intersex from forced genital mutilation.

We encourage you to explore this website, where you will find the following:
- Our About page provides an in-depth explanation of our organizational goals.
- Our collection of informational pamphlets covers many of the social, religious, legal, and health-related aspects of male circumcision. Most of these are intended to be printed off on 8.5″x11″ paper and trifolded. You are welcome to download these pamphlets and to distribute them freely.
- We maintain a list of circumcision-related links.
- There is a set of photos from our past events.
- We have a few items for sale in our shop— you can support our cause by making a purchase.
- As a 501(3)(c) registered non-profit organization, we are glad to accept donations from anyone interested in giving us direct financial support. We are currently able to accept donations via PayPal or via personal check.
- If you would like to contact us with questions or concerns about our website or about circumcision more generally, we encourage you to reach out to us via our Facebook page. Please feel free to get in touch!